Aladdin app

Together We Encourage, Enable and Educate


Digital Schools

Here in Our Lady of Mercy we use technology throughout the school day to enhance our learner experiences. We hope to empower our students to become confident and competent digital learners.

We have two class sets of Android tablets for use in 3rd class and 4th class. We have recently purchased two class sets of 2-in-1 Dynabook notebooks for use in 5th class and 6th class.
We have interactive Flatboards (CleverTouch and Prowise) in each of our classrooms and Support rooms. Our school staff utilises Microsoft Office 365 for Education. We have recently embarked on a new phase of Office 365 with student emails in all 5th and 6th classes and we look forward to exploring this new digital journey. Aladdin Connect is utilised by staff and parents. We have broadband and Wifi across the school and are currently awaiting the final stage of our Fibre Broadband connection.

Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027

“Effective use of technology in the classroom and across the school environment supports inclusion, promotes accessibility and participation and can help to personalise the learning process for all learners, leading to better engagement and ability to be more involved and self­directed in their own learning. The use of digital technologies in the school context can also enhance and support the student/teacher relationship as well as assist with collaboration and learning between peers. Digital technologies can also be a useful tool in facilitating and improving communication both within the school and also between the school and parents/guardians and the wider school community” (Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027)

We actively encourage and promote internet safety through Safer Internet Day and the Stay Safe Programme.