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Together We Encourage, Enable and Educate

Basketball Blitz Fundraiser

On Wednesday 15th November, the Transition Year Students in the Mercy Secondary school held a friendly basketball blitz for local primary schools. We entered one team. The team was made up of girls that currently play basketball with a club but also girls that don’t play. It was great to see so many 6th class girls putting up their hands to volunteer for the school team, girls that don’t play with a team outside of school but were willing to give it a go. We picked names out of hat in the end, as we had so many volunteers.

The team played against Ursuline, Educate Together and St John of Gods. This is the first year that the TY students have run this type of fundraiser and we were delighted to be able to support them. It was a friendly blitz, with the goals of participation and enjoyment.