Aladdin app

Together We Encourage, Enable and Educate


Anti Bullying Policy

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Anti Bullying policy please click the file download button

Code of Behaviour

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Code of Behaviour please click the file download button

Mobile Phone Policy

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Mobile Phone policy please click the file download button

Uniform Policy

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Uniform policy please click the file download button

Healthy Eating Policy

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Healthy Eating policy please click the file download button

Child Safeguarding Statement

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Child Safe Guarding Statement please click the file download button

Admissions Policy

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Admissions Policy please click the file download button

Admissions Notice

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Admissions Notice please click the file download button

Parental Complaint Procedure

To view Our Lady of Mercy SNS Parental Complaint Procedure please click the file download button