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Together We Encourage, Enable and Educate


14 Mar

Céilí – Rang 6 As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, our 6th class girls went over to Mount Sion for a Céilí. They were joined by the 6th class boys from Mount Sion. The Céilí was led by retired Mount Sion teacher Ms Eileen Irish. The students danced the Walls of Limerick and The Siege of Ennis.


7 Mar

SETU Choral Day Recording


6 Mar

SETU Choral Day 2023

SETU CHORAL DAY 2023 ‘A celebration of choral singing’ Friday 3rd March 2023 SETU Chapel, College Street Campus Six of our senior classes took part in the choral day last Friday. The girls performed two songs on the day, Isle of Hope and Kusimama. 3rd Class: Mrs Ennis, Mrs Downey, Ms Mannion and Ms Bible/Mrs […]


1 Mar

Soccer 5 a side

Well done to our two soccer teams. The girls had a great afternoon out at the SETU Arena where they played against other schools in the FAI 5 a side competition. One of our teams is through to the county final which will be played in April.


14 Feb

5th Class Cycling Programme

5th class cycling The course will consist of 6 sessions with the pupils. Topics covered will include: safe equipment; rules of the road; starting and stopping; road positioning; shoulder checking; turning left and right; overtaking and traffic manoeuvres, and, where appropriate to the group, on-road training. The emphasis of the course is on safety through […]


12 Feb

Ceremony of Commitment and Light 2023

The Ceremony of Commitment and Light for Confirmation children in 6th class took place on Thursday 9th February at 7pm in Holy Family Church. The Ceremony of Commitment and Light is a pre-Confirmation ceremony and is an important event in preparing the children for Confirmation. A key part of the service is when parents hand […]


12 Feb

Credit Union Quiz 2023

Monday 30th January, 16 of our students took part in the Credit Union Quiz in Dooley’s Hotel. The girls had a busy January, with quiz training after school with Ms O’Sullivan and Ms Carlin. The girls represented the school so well on the night and we are very proud of them. Well done girls.  


12 Feb

Soccer 5-a-side Tournament 2023

The SPAR FAI Primary School 5-a-side is a competition hosted by FAI Schools, which is an affiliate of the FAI. With nearly 24,000 children from 1,200 schools taking part, the 5-a-side is the most popular primary schools sporting event in the soccer calendar. The hugely popular competition is open to boys and girls in 4th, […]


12 Feb

Start-Box in 5th Class

Start-Box is a non-contact introduction to boxing in schools. The 4 week programme focuses on fun, participation and movement , as opposed to the skills of boxing. The aim is to improve movement and fitness levels through the sport of boxing. The sessions begin with a warm up, hitting the focus pads, circuit training and […]


9 Nov

Camogie: Mercy Abú

After two years, we have Camogie back in the senior school. Every week, girls in 5th and 6th train after school with Ms Deegan and Ms Falconer. At the moment, there are almost 50 girls attending training. Today, a panel of players represented our school in the first Camogie game of the Cumann na mBunscoil […]